Township of Stanton Holds Public Hearing on Wind Farm Proposal | News, Sports, Jobs
TOWNSHIP OF STANTON – About 40 people attended a public meeting Wednesday held by the Township of Stanton board of directors on a wind farm project.
About 20 residents took the floor. Most were opposed to Circle Energy’s plan, based in Royal Oak, Mich., Which would include four 575-foot turbines in Adams Township and eight in Stanton Township.
Each person had three minutes to speak. Residents expressed concern about noise and the potential environmental impacts of operating the turbines and the turbines themselves once decommissioned. Many have said the wind turbines will also disrupt the field of view from miles away and harm what brings people to the area.
Deb Bartel-Schweitzer, who lives near the property, was concerned that the disturbance would also hurt the value of her property. If she had known about the project when she moved from Lansing five years ago, she would not have bought her house, she said.
“Right now, I’m looking out my window, I see a nice little lake, I see trees… the thought of 600-foot-tall machines spinning in the sky above my property, it hurts my stomach. . she said.
Catherine Andrews, a former resident of L’Anse Township who was on its planning commission, described community opposition to shutting down the proposed Summit Lake project.
“It really unified our community” she said. “It didn’t matter what church you went to, who you were related to. “
She called for a moratorium on the project so that the township can gather more information. Her complaints include the flicker effect caused by the turbine blades and the amount of gas and electricity needed to heat the oil and power the plant, which she says would require a larger transmission line.
A handful did not express an opinion, but had questions about the project.
A resident asked what the heavy equipment would do to local roads and whether any roads built by the company would be accessible for snowmobiles or side-by-side roads.
In a response at the end, Chris Moore, a Circle Power partner, said the equipment would be brought from the M-26 onto roads specifically constructed or reinforced to handle the equipment. Each turbine will have 4 acres of fence around it. Other roads will not be closed unless the owner decides to close those roads, Moore said.
Responding to questions about a decommissioning plan, Moore said these are set up and provided by a third party, similar to an insurance agency.
Moore also rebuffed one speaker’s claims residents would see their electricity costs rise. Circle Power sells two-thirds of the electricity produced by the turbines to Upper Peninsula Power Co. at a flat rate of $ 35 / MWh, which Moore described as “One of the cheapest renewable energy contracts in the state of Michigan. “
“Whether or not UPPCO lowers its prices, it’s up to them to decide, it’s not for me to decide” he said. “We provide them with electricity at low cost.
The turbines would benefit the local economy during the construction period and create two jbos in the long run, Moore said. He estimated that the property would generate between $ 15 million and $ 20 million in property taxes for Adams Township, Stanton Township and Houghton County over the life of the project.
Residents’ questions and comments will be directed to the attorney for the Township of Stanton, who is working on a draft order, said supervisor John Mattila. Once that is completed, the township will present it at another public hearing, Mattila said.
“After that, we have a certain period left, and it will be voted on at a township assembly, whether we accept it or refuse the ordinance”, he said.
Because the township has no zoning, it will be a police powers ordinance, Mattila said.
Adams Township, which also has no zoning, has an ordinance with restrictions such as a 3,000-foot setback from the nearest property line.
Responses to questions posed by residents will also be posted on the township’s website at, Mattila said. A site map of the proposed wind farm will also be posted online, Mattila said.
Mattila also mentioned a webinar in May on the local impacts of wind power projects, led by Sarah Mills of the University of Michigan and Bradley Neumann of Michigan State University Extension. The webinar can be viewed at
Adams Township is also planning a public meeting on the project. Earlier this month, Township Supervisor Gerald Heikkinen said he plans to schedule a hearing after COVID-19 restrictions end to allow for a larger crowd.