Subsidy funding for sustainable agriculture available | News, Sports, Jobs

ST. PAUL – The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) plans to provide up to $ 250,000 to demonstrate and publicize energy efficiency, environmental benefits or cost-effectiveness of sustainable farming techniques or systems, from production to production. commercialization.
The Agricultural Growth, Research and Innovation Program (AGRI) Sustainable Agriculture Demonstration Grants Program will be accepting applications until 4 p.m. on Thursday, December 9.
Applicants can request up to $ 50,000 per project. The first $ 25,000 does not need to be matched by applicants. For claims between $ 25,000 and $ 50,000, applicants must provide a dollar-for-dollar match on the amount greater than $ 25,000.
Funding will be provided in 2022. Projects should last two to three years and grantees should be prepared to share what they learn with others.
Projects are published annually in the MDA Greenbook, which provides a summary of each project along with results, management tips, previous project locations and other resources.
Past grants have funded a wide range of projects, such as exploring agricultural diversification; cover crops and crop rotation; conservation tillage; input reduction strategies; and alternative energies such as wind, methane and biomass.
Minnesota farmers, educational institutions, people in educational institutions, and nonprofit organizations are eligible. Applicants must be residents of Minnesota and projects must take place on farms in Minnesota.
Proposals must be submitted through our online application system.
Funding for this program is made available through the AGRI program, which administers grants to farmers, agribusinesses, schools, and more throughout Minnesota.
The AGRI program exists to advance Minnesota’s agriculture and renewable energy sectors.
For more information, visit the AGRI Sustainable Agriculture Demonstration Grant webpage.