Developer Launches Over the Moon Estates in Maryville

MARYVILLE – Marc and Pamela Hurt-Bacchetti are launching Over the Moon Estates, a development of 91 homes.
Village trustees on Wednesday approved a zoning change from a farm residence to a single-family residence, as well as approval of the preliminary development platform.
Bacchetti said they have been residents of Maryville for 30 years and want to provide starter home opportunities with a personalized home experience.
“It’s always exciting to know that a developer wants to build in Maryville,” said Mayor Craig Short. “Our planning committee does a great job monitoring the growth of Maryville, making sure any project is suitable for our community.
The site, which comprises approximately 40 acres, is located along West Main Street just west of St. Luke United Methodist Church and between Gary and Northwood Avenues. The entrance is currently planned to branch off from Northwood, not West Main. The streets would have names related to the moon – Harvest, New, Blue, Luna, etc.
Bacchetti said he plans to build widely varying designs according to the owners’ wishes. External amenities include access to Madison County Transit’s Schoolhouse Trail, which runs along the southern fringe of the land near Fred Winters Park, and as the biggest draw, it would be two blocks east of it. Maryville Elementary School.
Bacchetti declined to comment on the price ranges, but said he was trying to provide prices within a starting house’s range.
If the Trustees approve the final platform, Bacchetti said construction will take place in three phases – Phase 1 in 2021-2022; Phase 2 in 2022-2023; and Phase 3 in 2023-2024.
Bacchetti said concerns about the configuration of access intersections and drainage have been raised. During the Planning Commission session on February 22, it was noted that other access points existed on West Main and that a right-of-way had been cut from west of Andra / Robert Drive. The Gary Avenue section intercepts church property and would not allow access.
“There are still some hurdles for the developer to jump through – like drainage and entry to the subdivision,” Short said. “These elements must be worked out before the approval of the final plate. But the subdivision follows the overall village plan which recommends that this area become single-family residential. I believe this shows that Maryville continues to grow and that we remain a desirable community in which to live and raise a family.
In another action, the Trustees unanimously approved the following:
• An ordinance authorizing a loan agreement with the water pollution control loan program.
• Hiring of a replacement street service employee
• An agreement with Juneau Associates, Inc. for the preparation of an IEPA funding application form and a project plan for a parallel interception sewer line costing no more than $ 8,000.
• Purchase a pressure washing system for street service from NuWay for $ 5,857 plus electrical work from CMC Electric for $ 1,630
• Purchase a replacement salt shed from Curvco Steel for $ 13,621
Contact reporter Charles Bolinger at 618-659-5735